About Us

At Universal Appliance Repair, our experience puts us above the competition in terms of home appliance maintenance and repair. For over 20 years, we’ve been providing exceptional appliance services to the Los Angeles area. With the hard work of our professional repair technicians, we’ve led the industry in quality and efficiency.

We understand that success lies in a satisfied client base; it is because of this that we reward our repeat clients with a membership in our popular loyalty program which give discounts off future repairs.

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7 Clear Signs You Need to Call in a Repairer for Your Gas Oven

Published: March 31, 2021
An oven is an essential appliance is practically any home. Not only can you make delicious meals, but you can also keep leftovers warm for those family members who can’t make it home for dinner time. So, if your gas oven is not working correctly, i [...]

7 Essential Dryer Maintenance Tips

Published: March 20, 2021
Recent consumer reports have shown that a modern dryer should last for 10 years before a replacement is necessary. But, this is misleading. If you maintain your dryer, it’s possible to keep the appliance running efficiently for up to 25 years. And [...]

Is Your Refrigerator Not Cooling? What to Check and How to Correct It

Published: February 18, 2021
Refrigerators have an average lifespan of 17 years. This means that the average refrigerator can deliver excellent cooling for close to two decades. Unfortunately, there may be occasions when your refrigerator doesn’t seem to be operating correctly [...]

Common Reasons for Your Leaking Dishwasher and How to Fix Them

Published: January 26, 2021
There is nothing worse than rushing around to get the dishwasher on before you leave the house and coming home to a puddle of water on your kitchen floor. If you find yourself mopping water from under your dishwasher each time you use it, it is time [...]

A Brief Dishwasher History and How it Affected Our Lives

Published: December 21, 2020
The dishwasher is a fantastic labor saving device; it gets our dishes cleaner and uses less water than hand washing. If our dishwasher stops working for any reason, we quickly realize how much we rely on it, and scheduling a repair becomes a priority [...]